News from the FUBIC Innovation Campus

»Stirring up excitement«
Created by Freie Universität Berlin, Scale Up Lab of will be one of the first tenants at FUHUB, which is part of the WISTA-managed Zukunftsort Berlin-Südwest:
Bio and life science research—particularly fundamental research—often operates on the barely imaginable nanometre scale. The substances or structures created at this scale are typically designed for medical…

“Dual leadership for the purpose of knowledge transfer”
Generation change at the Steglitz-Zehlendorf economic development agency:
In the Steglitz-Zehlendorf district, the economic development agency is facing a leadership transition. Its director, Michael Pawlik, is retiring after nearly 45 years of service. Till-Steffen Busse will follow in his…

Substitution, not cancellation
The start-up LehrCraft wants to use its placement platform to help alleviate staff shortages in schools and reduce class cancellations:
“What do teachers and clouds have in common? The day improves when they go away.” Everybody knows these types of jokes. But what if teachers really go away and regular classes cannot be guaranteed? The reasons for the…

Racing towards new drugs thanks to cell-free protein synthesis
Based in Berlin-Dahlem, the science-oriented start-up PharmaTech is unleashing new opportunities for personalised medicine:
Without proteins, life would be impossible. The macromolecules are made up of amino acids and are a key component of every living cell. Our muscles, heart, brain, skin, and hair consist predominantly of proteins.…

In step with the times
The Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing also helps with making innovation ready for the market:
The brick building at the address Unter den Eichen 87 radiates history. Set in massive stone in Berlin-Lichterfelde, it demonstrates its status as a renowned government institution. “Federal Institute for Materials…

A place for working—and more
FUHUB is the newest addition to the WISTA Innovation Campus FUBIC and to Berlin’s growing, innovative Southwest. One of the first tenants is SimpliOffice, a young company operating co-working spaces and event venues. :
Cycle to the office. Take a shower before hitting the desk. Grab a quick coffee before the meeting. Go to a sports course later, take a power nap, or a play a round of foosball with the guys from the next-door office.…

The alphabet of the universe
Manuel Dedio has developed an “app for non-enthusiastic mathematicians”:
Although most remember him as a philosopher, Plato was one of the most important promoters of mathematics in ancient Greece. Galileo Galilei, another famous philosopher and scientist, once waxed lyrically about…

A new protective shield against viruses
A team at Freie Universität Berlin (FU) led by Professor Daniel Lauster is working on a nasal spray that wards off flu viruses:
The new FU research centre SupraFAB, short for Supramolecular Functional Architectures at Biological Interfaces, on Altensteinstrasse in Berlin Dahlem, has more to offer than its impressive architecture. On the…

Everything is easier together
The start-up YouCan! supports children, teenagers, and young adults with cancer:
They tend to lie in hospital beds, pull the blankets over their heads, and retreat. Being diagnosed with cancer is a severe blow and a life-changing event, especially for young people. Using an app, the Berlin-based…

We are neighbours
With FUBIC, the FU Berlin and the district of Steglitz-Zehlendorf get their own start-up and technology centre:
Cranes turn above the FUBIC Innovation Campus. “It has taken longer than we had hoped for,” says Jörg Israel, project manager at WISTA. Despite these challenges, however, the progress made at FUBIC is visible. The…